“MotherWorld is the society in which creative, nurturing & life-affirming values, actions, insights & awareness are honoured & encouraged in women, men, children & all people. It is the society that is grounded in the fact that we all live upon our Mother Earth. She is our Great Mother, the Source & Foundation of all that we are & all that we have. We need to take care of our Mother, of each other and of all life.” – Kathy Jones.

The Sacred Birth Centre Story So Far…

The Sacred Birth Centre is a new organisation based in Glastonbury, UK, also known as the Isle of Avalon or the heart chakra of the world. 

SBC was initiated after a very kind & generous anonymous donation was made upon hearing Kathy Jones Priestess of Avalon & creative director of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple talk about a Sacred Birth Centre being a cornerstone of the MotherWorld Vision. 

Mothers are the primary caregivers in the world who nurture & raise children. They do not do this alone, but with the loving support of fathers, the wider family & community. These children are the future of our human species, of our world. If we do not care for & support mothers, that lack of support damages the ability of mothers to unconditionally gift love & care to their children. In turn children go on to become damaged adults, & so the cycles of harm continue. Our families & societies need to honour and take care of all Mothers.

Read the full Vision, Mission & Core Values of The Sacred Birth Centre.


2023 Donation & initiating the project

In 2023 the amazing donation was received by the Glastonbury Goddess Temple to start a Sacred Birth Centre. This is a huge undertaking which involves not only a good understanding of the complexities & requirements involved with opening an independent Birth Centre in the UK but also a sacred heart led approach to bridging the gap between the modern maternity services & the spiritual awakening that birthing & becoming a parent often brings.   

A research & development phase was undertaken with some of the local Birthkeepers becoming the Project Weavers for The Sacred Birth Centre. The huge task of collating what Sacred Birth support, education & training already happens in Glastonbury began. A first phase website was put together with a launch day on 5th May international day of the midwives, to introduce the project to the community. The current Project Weaver joined the team after the May launch day & we organised & held the first ever Sacred Birth Conference in November which was a wonderful success bringing together a team of passionate inspiring Birthworkers, supporters, artists & musicians.    

The Sacred Birth Centre was birthed as an organisation of its own in the autumn of 2023 & since then we have been working on setting up all the things required as a new organisation as well as developing this new website & planning events, training & collaborations for 2024 & beyond.

Visioning & manifesting the building

The year 2024 has begun with getting clearer on the details of what collaborations, facilities & infrastructure are needed for such a unique project & space. Practical details of writing policies to clarify how we work in a safe transparent manner have been undertaken, along with creating this completely new website. 

Searching for the right space or property to be the physical home of the Sacred Birth Centre is an ongoing process with many eyes open & enquiries being made for the right potential opportunity. If you have or know of a suitable location within the landscape of Glastonbury that might be the right space for the Sacred Birth Centre then please do get in touch. 

Whilst the donation to start the project was very substantial we are aware that considering property prices in Glastonbury & the aims of what the Sacred Birth Centre would like to offer we may need to wait to be able to generate additional funds to increase our budget for a suitable space. If you have the means & would like to support the opening of the physical Sacred Birth Centre then please consider supporting us with a donation here.

Events in 2024

Whilst we continue to search for the right permanent space for The Sacred Birth Centre in Glastonbury we have begun collaborating with a range of local independent service providers of holistic & practical support, training & education. They all align & agree with the SBC Vision, Mission & Core Values & work to support different holistic & spiritual aspects of the birthing & parenting journey. You can find details of services & trainings’ on the relevant pages & what’s on this month on the homepage. 

We have a few different SBC fundraising & promotional events this year including 

The Sacred Birth Centre Team

Kathy Jones

Kathy Jones
SBC Director

Priestess of Avalon, Creative Director of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple & Initiator of the SBC

Mike Jones
SBC Director

Financial Manager

Lisa Fletcher
SBC Director

Trainings Lead & Safeguarding Officer

Violet Yaga

Social Media Lead