Heart and Womb Birth Story Honouring with Chrystèle Lafaye
The Goddess House Magdalene Street, GlastonburyPlacenta Ceremony for your baby with Hannah Graceful Dawn
The Goddess House Magdalene Street, Glastonbury +1 morePregnancy Care, Support and Coaching with Joy Horner
The Goddess House Magdalene Street, Glastonbury +1 moreWeek of Events
Baby Naming Ceremony with Iona Jones
Iona loves to work with families to create and host unique, inspired baby naming ceremonies. These can be hosted at your home, in the Goddess Temple spaces or within the landscape of Avalon. A Baby Naming ceremony is a lovely way to celebrate the birth of a new baby and to welcome them into your [...]
Parent & Baby Group Every Wednesday
Every Wednesday 12 pm - 2 pm Facilitated by Joy & Jady in the Miracles Room, Glastonbury. No need to book. Suitable from birth onwards. £8 suggested donation.
Heart and Womb Birth Story Honouring with Chrystèle Lafaye
A Priestess led, listening and honouring session for mother’s to celebrate and / or integrate their birth story. For those who may not have received this support after birth or those who may have experienced trauma. Includes deeply listening to your birth story and a healing healing heart and womb meditation. This can be very [...]
Placenta Ceremony for your baby with Hannah Graceful Dawn
Hannah can offer to create a beautiful and profound ceremony to honour the birth of your child and their gifts. She can help offer their placenta to the land as inspired by many indigenous peoples who believe that the Placenta carries the blueprint of your DNA and your soul mission in this incarnation. They believe [...]
Pregnancy Care, Support and Coaching with Joy Horner
Joy provides fully inclusive consultations for all areas of pregnancy. Whether you have just discovered that you are pregnant, and need to know that to do first, you are in your second trimester and information gathering, or in your last trimester and on the countdown to labour, Joy provides support and information for your journey. [...]
Labour and Birth Support with Joy Horner
Labour and birth are sacred rites of passage to be honoured and revered. Knowing and trusting your birth team is an important part of your birth experience and can have positive effects on your birth outcomes. Some people want an experienced wise woman to help guide and ground them through this initiator portal. Joy was [...]